SEO Website Design Checklist for an Effective Conversion

Google is the Key
Through the years as Google evolved and continued to dial in its algorithm, it became even more important to provide the search engine with high quality content that was engaging and useful. Writing content that is from the heart and through the eyes of the consumer is the best method for capturing the attention of the reader and increasing the probability of them taking action. By this we mean picking up the phone, clicking a button to be taken to a landing page or filling out a form. This is what we call a calculated conversion. From the moment a person enters in a search term to the point of contact with your business is the reason why SEO coupled with a few website design elements is the key to gaining more customers effectively.
Business Owners Need to Understand You Get Out What You Put In
SEO and Website Design are like peanut butter and jelly, they just go together. One without the other just doesn’t seem to work as well. For instance you can have 1000’s of visitors to your website but if you have no path for them to help them complete their decision you lost. On the flip side if you have an awesome graphic of your products or services along with a clean appetizing form to fill out and no website traffic you lost again. By creating the synergy your customers are searching for, your business has a better chance of increasing its leads and ultimately its sales. It does take time and money to continually build your SEO and website design elements to be able to accomplish this but once you have the recipe for success you can crank up the heat and amplify your results very easily. The trick is to predetermine what your customers are thinking about your products or services. As a business owner you may have a false understanding on how your customers are perceiving you. By discussing problems and recommending solutions on your seo website design that your customers can relate to will launch your results up the ladder.
What Every Website Needs to Attract Visitors
1. Search Engine Optimization
2. Social Media Marketing
3. Press Releases
4. Creative Content
5. Blog
What Every Website Needs to Convert Visitors to Leads
1. Mobile Friendly
2. Responsive Website Design
3. Creative Graphics
4. Calls to Action
5. Engaging Content
6. Simple Forms
7. Social Media Integration
8. Website Tracking
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The method behind applying all of these tasks in conjunction is required to get the opportunity to close a lead into a customer. That is what we all want but there is a price just like anything else. If you are a business owner who is reluctant to do what it takes and spend what it costs to do it right you can’t expect quality results. Those business owners spending a portion of their marketing budget to advance their web pages up the Google search ladder are experiencing extraordinary results which generates more revenue for the company by utilizing seo website design. With this new revenue the business owners have more money to continue creating that online presence that solidifies their authority in their industry online.